Policies, Documents, and Forms
Certain documents govern and guide the airport in its growth, which are publicly available and are provided below:
Airport Master Plan
The Airport Master plan is a comprehensive study of an airport and usually describes the short-, medium-, and long-term development plans to meet future aviation demand, while providing a 20-year outlook. Airport Master Plans should be conducted every 10 years.
Airport Layout Plan
A result of the Airport Master Plan, the Airport Layout Plan is a scaled, graphical presentation of the existing and future airport facilities, their location on the airport campus, and pertinent clearance and dimensional information. Ideally, an ALP is updated on an as needed basis.
Rules & Regulations
The Airport Rules & Regulations are a set of guidelines intended for the safe, orderly, and efficient operation of the Airport, and apply to all persons using the Airport for any reason.
Airport Minimum Standards
The Airport Minimum Standards are the minimum requirements an individual or entity wishing to provide aeronautical services to the public on a public-use airport must meet in order to provide those services, such as minimum leasehold size, required equipment, hours of operation, and fees. Minimum Standards ensure that an adequate level of safe and efficient service is available to the public.
Tarmac Delay Plan
This Tarmac Delay Plan has been prepared pursuant to section 42301 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012. This plan describes how, following excessive aircraft delays and to the extent possible, what Texarkana Regional Airport can most likely provide if such a delay occurs.
Airport Rates & Charges
The Airport Rates & Charges document provides guidance to airport proprietors and aeronautical users to negotiate rates and charges agreements for airport development and establishes standards that in accordance with Federal regulations.